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Pick Your Poison

OK, a few days ago, I shared the darker side of systems thinking with respect to professional decision-making.  Since it's the weekend, maybe something a little more light-hearted.  I mean, who hasn't agonized over where to go out to eat?  Personally, I've been trying to "buy local" in my eating out decisions, but this flowchart from the Consumerist blog should amuse you if you are determined to eat at a chain restaurant.

Imagine if more executives spent the time analyzing their decisions to this degree... then making a decision and sticking with it... how much better their businesses might be.  (Do you want fries with that ROI?)

(Thanks for Mark Hayward for pointing this out on Twitter.)


Source: http://eatingtheroad.wordpress.com/


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Eating The Road

Good sir...would you mind referencing the actual source that you pulled the graphic from?

Timothy Johnson

Good catch, Samuel... sorry about that... had mentioned where I found it, but thanks for the original source reminder... BTW - this is HILARIOUS... Great work!

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