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Birthday Drawing Results

With the help of the lovely and talented Vanna (OK, so my wife subbed), we had the drawing this weekend for all of the really cool gifts in my birthday give-away.  Congratulations to all who entered... obviously, your accomplishments ARE the big prize:

Retail Superstars - Elizabeth

Greater Than Yourself - Melissa Labus (signed by Steve Farber himself)

I Hate People - Jana Brem and "Ms. Admin"

Remarkable Leadership - Carlos Urreta

99.3 Random Acts of Marketing - Pete Jones

Accomplishment 3-Pack (Race Through the Forest, GUST, and SWAT) - Linda Zdanowicz (signed by yours truly)

Congratulations, one and all!  Thanks for playing!


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Pete Jones - Desmoinesisnotboring.com

Wonderful, thanks Tim.

Ms. Admin

Love the title--it pretty much describes my current outlook since I've been dealing with local politicians and the general electorialate (is there such a word?). Thanks for thinking of me --- looking forward to the read.

Linda Zdanowicz

Thanks Tim! Can't wait to read them.

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