Back To School... Carpe Factum Style
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." -Albert Einstein
Today I begin new employee orientation at Drake. (Yeah, the irony of having been there for over seven years already is not lost on me.) I'm excited about this year, though. Much of my course load will be the same with the exception of one new course on Leadership and Human Capital Development; still, there's a sense of newness about the whole experience. I really almost feel like I am a first year teacher, and that's exciting to regain that spirit again.
A lot of educational institutions are getting back into the swing of things over the next couple of weeks. But let's not think of them as "educational institutions" any more. I'd rather think of them as idea incubators... or discovery centers... or life labs. I'd like to challenge my fellow educators no longer to think of themselves as "just teachers" ... we're safari leaders ... we're artists ... we're conductors (music or railroad... you pick your metaphor).
There are a lot of young minds out there depending on our perceptions... of them... of ourselves... of our profession.
Now Carpe Factum!
Love your take on the educational process.
Now, educate me when you have the time. I am making assumptions on what the phrase "Human Capital Development" means. I'd be grateful to hear your definition.
Posted by: April Groves | 20 August 2007 at 10:40 AM
Looking forward to my 2nd Johnson-led expedition this fall! You wearing the bunny suit during orientation?
Posted by: Erik Potter | 21 August 2007 at 08:46 AM
I'm also looking forward to another opportunity to learn from the "Great, Pink, Fuzzy Bunny!" Although short, I felt the office politics course was extremely helpful in my career. I'm excited to see your creativity and expertise at work in the classroom again!
Posted by: Eric Peterson | 21 August 2007 at 01:44 PM
April - I think "human capital development" is enhancing others' skills along with your own. At least that's how I'm interpreting it (I didn't name the course).
Erik and Eric - Alas... the pink bunny suit has not made it out for orientation... we wouldn't want to make all of the other Drake profs jealous, would we? Pretty soon, everyone would want a pink bunny suit. I am looking forward to having you both in class again, though. Be prepared for more antics.
Posted by: Timothy Johnson | 22 August 2007 at 09:24 AM