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Across The Pond

Bigben_1 My apologies for not posting more this week.  You see, I've been transported to a parallel universe since Wednesday and am trying to make heads-or-tails out of it.  Well, that's partially true.  I'm "on holiday" in London right now, and not being the travel hound, I'm figuring out a few things fast:

  • The "tube" subway system is very logical to navigate
  • They all say "toMAHto here and if you say "toMAYto" they look at you like you're from a parallel universe
  • The "look both ways before you cross the street" admonition from Mom applies doubly over here
  • London is a city of paradox:  old yet constantly reinventing; traditional yet trendy; relaxed yet bustling; utilitarian yet glitzy
  • I have no future as paparazzi:  one sighting of the Queen only yielded an average photograph of her backside.  What self-respecting magazine will buy a picture of Her Royal Highness's rear entering her car?
  • Make sure your carry-on luggage includes essentials for two days... especially if you're flying Northwest

There will be other lessons as well, but for the most part, it's been a wonderful adventure and a much needed get-away for the wife and me.  Will keep posting as I have time.

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Michael Wagner

So it's true. We really are two peoples separated by a common language!

Make good memories, Mike

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